Faculty of Economics will be conducting a quality assessment of Bachelor Programme of Agricultural Economics with AUN-QA at the end of 2019
To fulfil the mission of mobilizing resources to provide learners with highquality training programmes in economics and management in accordance with national and international standards, Faculty of Economics, Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City considers quality assurance as one of key concerns for every academic and supporting staff of the Faculty.
Nong Lam University (NLU), Ho Chi Minh City has become an associate member of the AUN-QA Network under ASEAN University Network since 2016. Following the NLU’s mission, Faculty of Economics has been conducting a self-assessment process for Bachelor Programme of Agricultural Economics with AUN-QA and expects to be assessed by AUN in December 2019. This self-assessment process is to review and supervise the implementation of Agricultural Economics Programme to improve the training quality of the Faculty in general and of the Agricultural Economics Programme in particular, aligned with the development strategy of NLU “Quality – Integration – Development”.
The Bachelor Programme of Agricultural Economics has launched its first batch since 1975. After more than 40 years, the programme has periodically been adjusted and updated to meet the demand of labour market and to be aligned with the development goals of the Faculty and the University. Looking back very first years from 1975 to 1986, the Agricultural Economics Programmehadbasically focused on technical knowledge and natural sciences within the first 2 years, economics and social sciences in the 3rd year and specialized knowledge in agricultural economics in the final year of the programme. The Agricultural Economics Programme has been revised towards meeting the development and demand of the society as well as the market economy since 1986. From 2009 to 2014, the programme has been converted to apply credit-based education system and had significant updates and improvements in the curriculum to meet the increasing demand of labour market and stakeholders such as recruiters, lecturers, students and alumni.
Following Outcomes-based Education, Faculty of Economics has been approaching, developing and implementing the Agricultural Economics Programme based on the expected knowledge, skills and attitude that students will absorb and apply successfully after graduating and joining in labour market. Conducting the self-assessment and external assessment of the Agricultural Economics Programme with AUN-QA will help Faculty of Economics revise the development and implementation of the programme in the past, following quality assurance criteria of AUN-QA. The assessment of the Agricultural Economics Programmeby AUN-QA will contribute to improve the reputation and influence of Faculty of Economics in particular and NLU in general in Southeast Asia. This is also the foundation for the Faculty to maintain and develop the internal quality assurance system to provide the best training quality, to determine the reputation of the Faculty’s academic and supporting staff, and to properly meet the demands of recruiters and labour market.
Faculty of Economics
Page count: 3652
Created : 21-06-2019
Last modify: 05-12-2019