1. Training objectives

General objective

The Accounting programme (AP)provides students with generaland professional knowledge in accounting, auditing and finance to support the accounting career. The programme also gives students the way to develop their communication and working skills, the attitude to obtain good purpose for the career and life-long study.

Specific objectives

PO1: Training human resources with good moral qualities and extensive professional knowledge in accounting.

PO2: Training human resources with strong professional and general skills in the field of accounting.

PO3: Training human resources with progressive attitude, life-long learning.

2. Expected learning outcomes of the programme

When completing the Accounting programme, the graduates are expected to:

A. Knowledge

General Knowledge

PLO1: Master the regulation, policy of State to apply for the accounting career and social activities.

Professional Knowledge

PLO2: Apply professional knowledge in the field to the accounting department of organizations, solving theoretical and practical issues in accounting.

PLO3: Analyzethe financial statements of various enterprises to supply the suitable consultancy in accounting and finance to support the development strategyof organization in modern economy.

B. Skills

Professional skills

PLO4:Demonstrate to critical thinking, solving the problems, exploring and researching in accounting.

PLO5: Comprehend of professional knowledge to adapt the huge demand in accounting field from the job of bookkeepers to the complicated duties of accountants. For instance: establishing sources documents, double-entry, journalizing, posting, preparing financial statements, etc.

Generic skills

PLO6: Use English and Informatics for work, research and technology transfer.

PLO7: Demonstrate the capacity to work either independently or cooperatively.

C. Attitude

PLO8: Individual ethics: confidence, courage, loyalty, recognition of the co-workers accomplishments, creativity and life-long learning.

PLO9: Professional ethics: honesty, responsibility, trustworthy, and good attitude with professional ethical standards.

PLO10: Societal morality: kindness, appreciating the moral values ​​of the nation, critiquing fraudulent actions.

2.3 The alignment between POs and PLOs of the Accounting Programme














































: General knowledges
2:  Professional knowledges
3: General skills
4: Professional skills
5: Awareness
6: Attitudes

2. Curriculum

Page count: 3620
Created : 02-10-2019
Last modify: 20-07-2020

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