Nguyễn Bạch Đằng
Salim Momtaz
Phạm Thị Hồng Nhung
The potential of informal institutions for sustainable management of marine fisheries was examined. The study is based on both primary data collected through two group discussions and interviews and secondary information, including material related to fishing gear operation and whale worship. It shows that informal institutions, including fisher groups, fishing community norms, fisher’s knowledge and whale worship have potential to strengthen institutional, ecological, social and community aspects of sustainable fisheries development. Although these informal institutions are not able to fix completely all the problems faced by formal institutions, they are able to complement and consolidate formal institutions to manage marine fisheries effectively. The findings of this study suggest it is imperative that formal institutions should be improved simultaneously with informal institutions to enhance current management for sustainable marine fisheries development.
Keywords: Fisher organization, fisher’s knowledge, fishing community norms, sustainable fisheries development, Vietnam, and whale worship.
Số lần xem trang: 2426
Nhập ngày: 02-09-2021
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