Nam H. Tran1, Hoang M. Do1

The study used a multinomial logit regression model with MLE estimating method to evaluate the impact of poverty alleviation programs on the ability of escaping from poverty of ethnic minority households. A sample of 260 ethnic households in Bac Ai district, Ninh Thuan province were employed in this study. The results show that the probability of a poor and pro-poor ethic minority household escaping from poverty is 8.1% and 12.35%, respectively. In addition, factors affecting the ability of escaping from poverty are household head age, education level, labor rate, agricultural land area, the occupation of the household head and supporting policy. Another finding is while supporting policy has positively affected pro-poor households, it has negatively affected poor households.

Keywords: Poverty, poverty alleviation, multinomial logit model

Số lần xem trang: 2163
Nhập ngày: 16-09-2021
Điều chỉnh lần cuối: 16-09-2021
